Progressive Rock > Jupiter Society

Jupiter Society
Carl Westholm
Main composer and producer, piano and synthesizers
Members of the board
Mats Levén: Well known lead singer. (Treat, Y.Malmsteen, Therion, Krux etc)
Played with Carl on Abstract Algebra 1995 and the Krux albums and some other projects. . On this albums he sings the lead vocals on three songs and play drums on two.
Nils Erikson: Swedish producer/Lead singer/Keyboard player. Produced several Swedish acts (R.Pontare, Ainbusk etc) Nils has released some albums as a solo artist. Carl played on the touring following his first album 1996. On this album he sings the lead on two songs and helped out with some programming and good ideas.
Öivin Tronstad: Lead and background singer and guitar player. Sings most background vocals on the Carptree albums and live performances. Worked with a small orchestra with Carl in Spain 1991. Sings the lead on two songs and most background vocals on the album.
Leif Edling: The man behind Candlemass and Krux. Carl has played on all his albums since The Abstract algebra album 1995. Plays bass on four songs and helped out with some of the Lyrics
Ulf Edelönn: Guitar player, Important person for Jupiter Society as well as for Carptree
Cia Backman: Swedish lead and background vocalist. Heard on many Swedish acts, she also sings all female background vocals on the Carptree albums and the live performances.
Jonas Källsbäck: Drummer. Played with Carl for many years in the early days. . Plays most of the drums on this album.
Stefan Fanden. Producer, sound engineer and bass player. Played bass on, and mixed many Carptree songs over the years. This time he ended up mixing the whole album and playing bass on two songs.
Pål Olofsson: The cover artist always chosen. He has made all the cover art for the Carptree albums and now this.
Deputy members
Declan Burke: Lead singer of Darwins radio and Frost. He met Carl at ROSfest USA 2007. Declan Sings on one song on this album and he also wrote the lyrics for that part.
Sven Lindvall: Bass player known from international acts like Aha, Ryan Adams etc and Swedish act like Kullrusk and Bronk just to mention a few. Carptree fan and a friend of Öivin who introduced him to Jupiter Society.
Jonas Waldefeldt: Professional drummer and percussionist
Björn Eriksson: Use to mix a couple of songs on the Carptree albums with Carl, on this album helped him out with some lyrics
Jan Hellman: Bass player and studio owner. On this album he plays an acoustic barytone guitar on one song
Sverker Nordqvist: 3D-modeling. Previously worked with movies like Lord of the rings and King Kong.
Joachim Flinck: Guitar player, composer and arranger, also the older brother of Niclas Flinck, (lead singer of Carptree). Played with Carl and Jonas Källsbäck many of the early years. On this album he helped out with parts of the melody on the first son “The pilot II”
Lars Sköld: Drummer and studio owner. Plays with Tiamat among others.