Progressive Rock > Metamorphosis

Metamorphosis’ is a Swiss music project, the brainchild of Jean-Pierre Schenk, who is the composer of their four albums. Their first project “After all these years” was released in November 2002. What was intended to be “just” a personal project for fun and for close friends became soon a kind of small revelation in the world of progressive music. The CD was met with great enthusiasm around the world. All those desperately waiting for a new release by Pink Floyd saw in the project a kind of “continuation” of the mythic band, but never a plagiarism.
“Nobody Cares” was released in November 2003. It marked a huge progression as compared with “After all these Years”, so much for the music as for the sound. Metamorphosis had now found a real unity. On both albums, as on the third to come, Giovanni Esposito played all the guitars and helped giving the memorable “Pink Floyd sound” to the music.
“Then all was silent”, a concept album, was released in 2005. It introduced for the first time a second guitar player, Olivier Guenat, who played the solo on the first title, and as for the two other albums, got impressive critics.
This was now time for a break. Metamorphosis had now a name in the small world of Prog, but had to find a real identity. J-P Schenk started working on the new album in summer 2005, but instead of composing 8-9 songs and recording them, he wrote about 20 titles, from which he finally chose 8. This process lasted until the end of 2007. Esposito being very busy with his own projects, Schenk worked this time with Olivier Guenat, who plays all the guitars on 3 of the songs, and Roger Burri on the other 5 ones. This gives a real astounding and incredibly powerful album, called “Dark”. Metamorphosis is still Metamorphosis, but with a new dimension.